End of January I took part in my second Global Game Jam so far, which was once again a whole lot of fun. The theme this year was “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” and Adam Streck, Dario Seyb and I went kind of experimental on that. To quote our game description from its Global Game Jam page:
“Do you see patterns in clouds? In ink dots? What about in our world? Inkvox is a 3D, first-person experience, also intended for Oculus Rift. The whole world is procedurally generated and populated with voxel based object and characters. The world lives the life on its own, independent on its visitor who will hopefully build his own understanding of the world based on what patterns emerge in their eyes.”
Play Inkvox
[WP_UnityObject src=”http://www.martin-schmitz.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Web_V0.8.unity3d” width=”725″ height=”544″/]
Gameplay Video
About Inkvox
Brief: Experimental generator of patterns as canvases for the imagination of an observer with a focus on his experience in a realm of strange shapes.
Outline: 3 persons, 2 days, web based and stand-alone game supporting Oculus Rift using Unity 3D, done during a 48h Global Game Jam
Time frame: 24 – 26 January 2014
GGJ Page: http://globalgamejam.org/2014/games/inkvox
Tools I used:
- Unity 3D
- MonoDevelop
- Git via GitHub
My direct responsibilities:
- Modular behavior system (allowing for movement-, color-, music-/sound- and predator-/prey- behaviors)
- Implementation of behaviors (floating, rocking and rotating movements, color changing and transfer, predator)
- Generator for assembled shapes and behaviors
Dario created a dynamic generator for sound and music and implemented the spawning and containment of the shapes within the players reach. Adam implemented the voxel generator and Oculus Rift Support.
More Videos
A video recording of our final Presentation on 26 January 2014.
And a short interview I gave for Iwan, one of the organizers, who tried to get some sensible answers out of me on Sunday morning, after I’d been coding all night ;).
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